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Chess Camp Returns at Churchill Road

The Chess Center is excited to be able to resume our in-person summer camps.   Our camp season began this past Monday at Churchill Road Elementary School in McLean.  Nearly 30 students are joining us this week to hone their chess skills and make new friends.

Our day camps combine high quality chess instruction and practice with outdoor recreational activities.  The chess lessons are structured so that all the students are challenged and no one is bored.

Our camps typically run from from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. on Monday through Friday with aftercare available until 5.  Registration is still open for several weeks later in the summer, including camps in Vienna, Oakton and northwest Washington, DC.  

Chess Class at the Seafarers Foundation’s Summer Youth Program in Annapolis

The US Chess Center was pleased to resume our summer chess classes in partnership with Seafarers Foundation’s Summer Youth Program in Annapolis, MD.  Led by Greg Acholonu, the chess class has approximately 90 minutes of instruction and play each day over the two week camp, culminating in a camp tournament on the final Friday. 
Thank you to our board member, Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn, and the Seafarers Foundation for allowing us to share chess with their campers.

U.S. Chess Center Celebrates A Successful First Year at Sousa Middle School

The U.S. Chess Center was pleased to run a during-school chess class this past year for students in grades 6th through 8th at John Philip Sousa Middle School in Washington D.C.’s Ward 7.  More than a dozen students participated in chess class each week as part of the school’s Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) elective program and became enthusiastic players.  So much so that when a school closure was announced for the same day as our weekly chess class, Ms. Edmonds (who hosted chess in her classroom for us each week) reported that the students were disappointed to miss chess class, adding, “That is the first time I have EVER seen students unhappy about school being closed. Your chess class has surely made a positive impact on them!” 

A special thank you to Ms. Chiba Edmonds for allowing us to host chess in her classroom each week, and thank you again to the DC Housing Finance Agency, Share Fund, and all our donors for their financial support which enabled us to supply the equipment and offer chess class at Sousa at no cost to the students or school.

Pictures from Bishops & Beers on Tuesday Night

Bishops and Beers kicked off Tuesday, June 7 at Silver Branch Brewery in Silver Spring. A wide range of players, from novices to experts, showed up to socialize and play. 

Silver Branch provided a great atmosphere to meet up with old friends and make new ones over the board, and we’re already looking forward to the next event.  To stay abreast of future meetings and see more of the photos from Tuesday night, you can join our Meetup group.

Chess in the Park Comes to Eastern Market Metro

40 students showed up to Eastern Market Metro Park last Saturday, June 4 for the latest event in our series of casual drop-in tournaments.  We had a wide range of experience levels represented – some of the students were already seasoned tournament players while others were taking part in their first chess competition.

As always, it was nice to see new friendships being formed over games of chess.  We hope participating in events like these helps provide the experience and confidence the students can carry with them into other competitions.

Sunday Chess Concludes For The 2021-22 School Year

Yesterday was our last meeting of Sunday Chess before the summer. Our classes for students in grades 7-12 brought together nearly 50 students during the school year. We will start up again in the fall under a new name, the Theophilus Thompson Club, when our focus will be having our students prepared for the national scholastic chess championships.

With school pressures and competing spring activities, our last day had a smaller turnout than usual, but there were quality games of chess nonetheless.

Photos From the E.L. Haynes Junior Open

Approximately 20 elementary, middle and high school students came out this past Saturday, May 21, to play in the E.L. Haynes Junior Open.  The tournament was another successful collaboration among the U.S. Chess Center, Chess Girls DC, and E.L. Haynes Public Charter School, who hosted the event on their campus in northwest Washington.

Congratulations to Our National Elementary School Championship Participants

More often than not, when students travel to compete in strong tournaments like the state and national championships, it makes for a fantastic experience.  It’s exciting when the kids bring home trophies, and it’s also exciting when they bring back things they’ve learned from competing that they can then share with the other students in their school clubs.

At the recent National Elementary School Championships, held May 13-15 in Columbus, our students at Spring Hill got to do both.  In all, ten Spring Hill students traveled to Ohio to play, and the school finished 6th in the K-5 Championship section, while also winning trophies in the K-3 U-900 section (17th place overall), and the K-3 U-700 section (9th place overall). 

Below, Principal Eck accepts the three trophies the school brought back from Ohio after last week’s tournament.  

When the Elementary School Nationals come to Baltimore in 2023, we hope to see even more of our students come out to represent the local region.

A full list of results from the 2022 tournament is available at USCF’s website at

Chess in the Park at Eastern Market Metro on June 4

Chess In The Park continues the first Saturday in June with a free outdoor tournament at Eastern Market Metro Park, staged in partnership with the DC Department of Parks and Recreation.  Any student in grades 2 through 8 may register to participate.

The tournament will follow a similar format to the event we recently held at Fairview Road Urban Park in Silver Spring.  The first round of games will begin at 10 a.m. and the tournament will finish up around 1.  Students who play need to be familiar with all of the rules of chess, including castling, stalemate and the touch-move rule.  No membership in any organization is required to take part.

There will be areas where family members and non-participants to wait during the games, but owing to space constraints, we will be unable to accommodate more than 40 students at the tournament tables at any one time, so early registration is encouraged.   Online sign-up is available here:

Results from the Rockefeller Qualifier on Saturday, May 14th

Eighteen DC elementary school students turned up for the DC K-5 Championship qualifier this past Saturday, May 14th, to determine who would have the honor of representing the District at this summer’s national Rockefeller Tournament of Elementary School Champions.  Congratulatons to Lenox Serrette who won the tournament with victories in all five rounds.

We were happy to see that, among the field of participants, there were ten children playing in their first nationally rated competition.  Playing in important tournaments is the fastest and surest way to improving your playing strength, no matter the result.

To view the full standings from Saturday’s event, click here.

Come Play Chess at Silver Branch Brewing Company on June 7

The Chess Center invites all of our grown-up patrons (over 21 years of age) to join us the first Tuesday of each month for Bishops and Beers at Silver Branch Brewing Company.  

Starting June 7, participants will be able to come out and play chess while enjoying the beverage offerings at one of Silver Spring’s finest local production breweries.  One of our certified U.S. Chess Center instructors will be hosting proceedings.  Board, sets, and some clocks for those who wish to play rapid and blitz games will all be provided.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned master, you’re welcome to come play with us.

Registration is available here:

A Fun Saturday of Outdoor Chess at Fairview Urban Road Park

Yesterday, fifty-five children ranging from second- to eighth-graders played chess at Fairview Road Park in Silver Spring, the largest urban park in Montgomery County and just a few blocks from our headquarters.


The weather was beautiful as experienced tournament players and beginners alike battled wits on tables and on oversized chess boards that Montgomery Parks laid out.

Some students played as many as eleven games during the three hours while others played only three. It was great seeing new friendships formed over the board and we look forward to seeing the kids playing more.

We will have another Chess in the Park on June 4, using a similar format, at Eastern Market Metro Park in Washington, DC.

DC K-5 Championship on May 14

In just over two weeks, the District of Columbia will select its representative in the national tournament of elementary school champions.  This year’s qualification tournament is to be held at the Kellogg Conference Center at 800 Florida Avenue NE, Washington DC 20002, on Saturday, May 14.  The winner earns the right to play in the Rockefeller National Tournament of Elementary School Champions later this summer.

The tournament is open to D.C. residents in kindergarten through grade 5.  This is a nationally rated tournament, so players must be or become U.S. Chess Federation members in order to play. The tournament starts at 9:30 the morning of May 14, but registration closes on Thursday, May 12 at 3:00 P.M., so players interested in taking part should be sure to sign up before then.

More information and online registration is available at


Three Sunday Chess Students Competed in National High School Championships

Three students from Sunday Chess attended the 2022 National High School Championships in Memphis over the weekend. The tournament had been cancelled for the previous two years because of the pandemic, so there was a lot of pent-up enthusiasm for this year’s event.


This was the third Nationals Anish attended, but the first major national for Zach and Ret. All three had wonderful experiences and are more prepared for the series of national championships coming up in the DC area over the next few years.

The tournament was run exceptionally well, with professional staff handling every detail efficiently. The rounds started on time, the side events were fun for the students, and the conditions of play were the best ever for a scholastic tournament. We look forward to spectacular events at National Harbor in December and in downtown DC next March.

Posted below is a win of Zach’s from the first half of the competition.  Zach, playing the black pieces, managed to hold on against an intimidating attack during the first 25 moves.

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. d3 b5 6. Bb3 d6 7. c3 Be7 8. O-O O-O 9. Nbd2 Na5 10. Bc2 c5 11. Re1 Re8 12. Nf1 h6 13. Ng3 Bf8 14. a4 Bb7 15. axb5 axb5 16. Nf5 c4 17. d4 exd4 18. N3xd4 Bxe4 19. Bxe4 Nxe4 20. Nxh6+ gxh6 21. Qg4+ Ng5 22. Rxe8 Qxe8 23. Bxg5 hxg5 24. Qxg5+ Bg7 25. Nf5 Qe5

White is down a piece, but looks as though he will regain it after 26. Ne7+ Kf8 27. Qxe5 Bxe5 28. Nc6 .  However, Zach’s 28….Ra6 kept him in the driver’s seat, since after 29. Nxa5 b4 30. cxb4 Bxb2, the pin on the a5-knight means that White can’t stop Black’s dangerous c-pawn without losing material.

Instead, White played 29. f4, and the game concluded: 29…Rxc6 30. fxe5 Nb7 31. Ra7 Rb6 32. exd6 Nxd6 33. h4 Ne4 34. g4 Nc5 35. Kg2 Na4 36. Kf3 Nxb2 37. Ke4 Nd3 38. Kd5 Kg7 39. g5 Re6 40. Rb7 Re5+ 41. Kd4 Rf5 42. Rb6 Nc5 43. Ke3 Na4 and White resigned.  0-1

The full set of results from the 2022 tournament is available here

Congratulations to the Denker and Barber Qualifiers from DC

The District of Columbia’s qualification events for the national Denker and Barber championships took place this past Saturday afternoon, April 2.  Students turned up from all around DC to compete for the middle and high school championship titles.

Ben Tyrrell (below left, playing black) won all four of his games to take first place in the high school section and earn the right to represent the District at the Denker Tournament of High School Champions later this summer.  Ethan Crawford (below right) put up the same perfect score to win the middle school section and qualify to represent Washington at the Dewain Barber National Tournament of Middle School Champions.  Both events will be held this July 30 – August 2 in Rancho Mirage, California.

We’re grateful to the DC Housing Finance Agency for hosting the event at their headquarters, and to Robin Ramson for her efforts organizing and promoting the tournament.  The full set of results from both the middle and high school sections is available here: 

US Chess MSA – Cross Table for DC BARBER DENKER QUALIFIER (Event 202204022192)

Metro Area Chess League 2021-22: Playoff Results

Montgomery Blair’s domination of the Metro Area Chess League continued through the play-offs as they swept to the championship winning all three of their matches. The play-offs were held Saturday, March 26, in the museum of United Therapeutics in Blair’s home turf of downtown Silver Spring, Maryland. The league is grateful to United Therapeutics for providing such a convenient and comfortable location for the play-offs, and for the snacks.

The Montgomery Blair team posing with the winner's trophy.

Richard Montgomery High School of Rockville finished in second place with a 1½ – 1½ score (one win, one draw and one loss), followed by Woodrow Wilson High School of the District of Columbia (1 – 2) and Gonzaga College High School (½ – 2½).  

The league included 22 teams this year from the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, starting play in November. This is the first time the league was run virtually, but with the success of this year, we will run the league this way again in the 2022-23 school year. Any high school in the metro area may join.

Playoff Results

Round 1

Montgomery Blair High School 3-1 Woodrow Wilson High School

Richard Montgomery High School 2.5-1.5 Gonzaga College High School

Round 2

Richard Montgomery High School 2-2 Woodrow Wilson High School

Gonzaga College High School 0-4 Montgomery Blair High School

Round 3

Woodrow Wilson High School 2-2 Gonzaga College High School 

Montgomery Blair High School 3-1 Richard Montgomery High School

DC Denker and Barber Qualifiers This Saturday

The Denker Tournament of High School Champions is an annual invitational event for the champions of all 50 states  and the District of Columbia.  Named for the late Grandmaster Arnold Denker, a former U.S. Champion and a tireless promoter of chess among young people, the tournament has been one of the most prestigious national events for students in grades 9-12 since its inception 38 years ago.

The Dewain Barber National Tournament of Middle School Champions, now in its 12th year, is the corresponding annual event for students in grades 6-8.  This year both the Denker and Barber tournaments will be held in the Westin Mission Hills Golf Resort & Spa in Rancho Mirage, California, from July 30 – August 2.  This coming Saturday, April 2, Washington, DC will hold its qualification tournaments to determine who will represent the District in these events.

The qualifiers will be held at the DC Housing Finance Agency at 815 Florida Ave., NW., Washington DC 20001.  The event is open to DC residents only, and is nationally rated by the U.S. Chess Federation, so participants must join the USCF if they are not already members.  Proof of COVID vaccination is required to participate. 

The entry fee is $20.  This is a four-round Swiss system tournament with time control: Game/25 + 10.  Players should bring clocks if they have them.  The first round starts at 1 P.M.

Online registration is available at: (scroll midway down the page).



Photos from the final class of Chess Kids 2021-22

This past Saturday, March 26, 2022 was the final class of our Chess Kids program for 2021-2022.  Stay tuned this fall when we open registration again for the 2022-2023 sessions.  In the meantime, here are some photos from Chess Kids this spring.

Join us on April 30 for Chess in the Park

The U.S. Chess Center and Montgomery Parks are inviting students to join us on the last day of April at Fairview Road Urban Park in Silver Spring for an outdoor chess tournament.
Any student in grade 2 through 8 may register to take part.  This tournament is not nationally rated, and students do not need to have any tournament experience in order to participate.  We do require students who play to be familiar with all of the rules of chess, including castling, stalemate and the touch-move rule.  Students who are not familiar with the rules are welcome to come spectate, as are other family members and friends.  The first round of the tournament starts at 10 a.m. and the last of the games will finish around 1 p.m.
We will organize the tournament based loosely on the Swiss pairing system, which means that players who win in the first round will be matched against other winners for their next games, and players who lose will be matched against others with similar results.  Nobody is eliminated early.  
Registration on the morning of the tournament is permitted, but we recommend planning ahead and signing up ahead of time to beat the line. 
Online registration is available here: 
More details about the playing site are available here:

Metro Area Chess League 2021-22: Round 8 Results

We have a week of March still ahead of us, but one Final Four has already been set.  The Metro Area Chess League concluded its regular season yesterday night with Montgomery Blair High School (Silver Spring, MD), Richard Montgomery High School (Rockville, MD), Gonzaga College High School (Washington, D.C.) and Woodrow Wilson High School (Washington, D.C.) wrapping up the top four places and earning tickets to the playoffs this coming Saturday in Silver Spring.

With 22 high schools from around the Washington area and over 100 students participating throughout the year, this was the largest online season we’ve run, and we’re very pleased to have revived the League after several years’ hiatus.  We thank all the students for logging on to participate on Tuesday nights and the school chess club sponsors and coaches for helping make this such a success.  
Round 8 Results

Montgomery Blair High School 3-1 Gonzaga College High School

Richard Montgomery High School 4-0 Northwest High School

McLean High School 2-2 Woodrow Wilson High School

Rochambeau French Intl. School 3-1 BASIS DC

West Springfield High School 2-2 Washington International School

South Lakes High School 1.5-2.5 Thomas J. Wootton High School

E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 2-2 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

St. Albans School 0-4 Col. Zadok Magruder High School

Justice High School 0-4 Georgetown Preparatory School

Rockville High School 4-0 Don Bosco Cristo Rey 

James Hubert Blake High School – The SEED Public Charter School

Final Regular Season Standings After Round 8
PlaceSchoolTotal Match PointsTotal Board Points
1stMontgomery Blair High School7.527
2ndRichard Montgomery High School 5.522
3rdGonzaga College High School 5.520.5
4thWoodrow Wilson High School 5.518.5
5thRochambeau, the French International School 5.517.5
6thMcLean High School 519
7thGeorgetown Preparatory School 4.518
8thWest Springfield High School 4.517
9th (Tie)BASIS DC 4.516.5
9th (Tie)Thomas S. Wootton High School 4.516.5
11thCol. Zadok Magruder High School 417
12thWashington International School416.5
13thNorthwest High School416
14thSt. Anselm's Abbey School 3.515
15thSouth Lakes High School 3.514.5
16thE.L. Haynes Public Charter School 3.514
17th Justice High School 313
18thRockville High School 312
19thSt. Albans School311.5
20th (Tie)Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School 18
20th (Tie)James Hubert Blake High School 18
22ndThe SEED Public Charter School 0.55

PCSAA Middle School Chess League Wraps Up With Close Finish

After seven Saturdays of play, the spring 2022 season of the PCSAA Middle School Chess League finished this afternoon.  BASIS DC and District of Columbia International School both entered the final day of play with undefeated records, and in their match against one another, either school could have taken the season championship with a victory.

In the final game to finish, the BASIS player had a decisive advantage after: 1. e4 e5 2. d4 Na6 3. dxe5 d6 4. exd6 Bxd6 5. Nf3 Bg4 6. Bxa6 bxa6 7. O-O Nf6 8. Nc3 O-O 9. Bg5 Be7 10. Qxd8 Raxd8 11. Bxf6 Bxf6 12. Nd5 Bxb2 13. Rab1 Ba3 14. Nxc7 Bxf3 15. gxf3 Rd6 16. Rb3 Bc5 17. Rd3 Rg6+ 18. Kh1 Bd6 19. Nxa6 Rh6 20. h3 Rxh3+ 21. Kg2 Rh6 22. Rfd1 Rd8 23. e5 Rg6+ 24. Kf1 f5 25. Rxd6 Rdxd6 26. Rxd6 Rxd6 27. exd6 Kf7 28. c4 Ke6 29. c5 g5 30. Nc7+ Kd7 31. Kg2 h5 32. Nd5 g4 33. Nf6+ Kc6 34. d7 Kc7 35. fxg4 hxg4 36. Kg3 a5 37. c6 a4 38. Nd5+ Kd8 39. Kf4, but like all resourceful chess players Black stayed astute for a way to save the game. 

 39… g3 40. fxg3 a3 reached the position shown on the left, and if White captures the f-pawn without thinking, 41. Kxf5?? is stalemate.  Instead, White sharply sidestepped Black’s drawing trap with 41. Nf6 and won in twelve more moves.  (41. Ke5 would have mated faster, but a win is a win.)  BASIS narrowly won the match 4.5-3.5 and took the title.

Howard University Middle School of Mathematics & Science swept their match against E.L. Haynes to retain third place in the season standings, while Meridian held onto fourth place on the board points tiebreaker despite losing to Children’s Guild.  One more half-point in their match would have put Children’s Guild ahead.  

Round-by-round results and the final standings for the season can be viewed here.  We congratulate all of the students who showed up to play on lichess this year and we hope to see more of them in upcoming chess competitions in the DC area.

Metro Area Chess League 2021-22: Round 7 Results

One round of competition remains in the regular season of the Metro Area Chess League.  With six victories from seven matches so far, Montgomery Blair has locked up the number one seed in the playoffs, but the competition is tight for the other three playoff spots.

Round 7 Results

Woodrow Wilson High School 1-3 Montgomery Blair High School 

E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 0-4 Richard Montgomery High School

McLean High School 1-3 Gonzaga College High School

Northwest High School 1-3 Rochambeau French Intl. School

St. Albans School 2-2 Thomas J. Wootton High School

BASIS DC 4-0 South Lakes High School

St. Anselm’s Abbey School 1-3 West Springfield High School

Rockville High School 0-4 Col. Zadok Magruder High School

Georgetown Preparatory School 1-3 Washington International School

Don Bosco Cristo Rey 1-1 James Hubert Blake High School

The SEED Public Charter School 1.5-2.5 Justice High School


Standings After Round 7
PlaceSchoolTotal Match PointsTotal Board Points
1stMontgomery Blair High School6.524
2ndGonzaga College High School 5.519.5
3rdWoodrow Wilson High School 516.5
4thRichard Montgomery High School 4.518
5thMcLean High School 4.517
6thBASIS DC 4.515.5
7thRochambeau, the French International School 4.514.5
8thNorthwest High School416
9thWest Springfield High School 415
10thWashington International School3.514.5
11th (Tie)Georgetown Preparatory School 3.514
11th (Tie)Thomas S. Wootton High School 3.514
13thSouth Lakes High School 3.513
14th (Tie)Justice High School 313
14th (Tie)Col. Zadok Magruder High School 313
14th (Tie)St. Anselm's Abbey School 313
17th E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 312
18thSt. Albans School311.5
19thRockville High School 28
20thDon Bosco Cristo Rey High School 18
21stJames Hubert Blake High School 17
22ndThe SEED Public Charter School 03
Round 7 Highlights
St. Albans - Wootton Board 1
Northwest - Rochambeau Board 3
Wilson - Montgomery Blair Board 1
Round 8 Pairings

Round 8 will be held on March 22, 2022 at 7:15pm ET (7:30 games start) with matches played on

Montgomery Blair High School – Gonzaga College High School

Richard Montgomery High School – Northwest High School

McLean High School – Woodrow Wilson High School

Rochambeau French Intl. School – BASIS DC

West Springfield High School – Washington International School

Thomas J. Wootton High School – South Lakes High School

E.L. Haynes Public Charter School – St. Anselm’s Abbey School

St. Albans School – Col. Zadok Magruder High School

Justice High School – Georgetown Preparatory School

Rockville High School – Don Bosco Cristo Rey 

James Hubert Blake High School – The SEED Public Charter School

Elementary Team League 2021-22: Round 8 Results

It’s been a great season of competition in the Elementary Team League this year.  Congratulations to Colvin Run Elementary (Vienna, VA), who took the lead at the halfway point of the season and never looked back, clinching the league championship with a match to spare.  White Oaks Elementary came out on top of a battle for second, with Spring Hill edging Greenbriar West for third.

Saturday, March 6 was the final day of matches for the season, and again we had a near-perfect turnout as nearly 40 students turned up to compete for their schools. 

Round 1:
Greenbriar West 2-2 Stratford Landing
Colvin Run 2-2 Ravensworth 
Westbriar 3-1 Kent Gardens
White Oaks 2-2 Spring Hill 
Poplar Tree 4-0 Willow Springs
Round 2:
Spring Hill 3-1 Westbriar
Willow Springs 1.5-2.5 Colvin Run
Greenbriar West 2-2 Poplar Tree
Ravensworth 1-3 White Oaks
Kent Gardens 0-4 Stratford Landing
Final Standings after Matchday 8:
Colvin Run 204
White Oaks 177
Spring Hill 168
Greenbriar West 163
Kent Gardens 144
Poplar Tree 142
Ravensworth 121
Stratford Landing 111
Willow Springs 104
Westbriar 77 

One final thank-you to St. Luke’s Methodist Church for providing the venue for us to return to in-person competition this year, after we were online last season.  Win or lose, playing in the league has provided valuable experience for everyone this year, especially those who are taking part in the state and national championships later this spring.

Metro Area Chess League 2021-22: Round 6 Results

Since many of the D.C. schools were on spring break, Round 6 was played over two weeks, with some matches taking place on February 22 and some on March 1.  Montgomery Blair (Silver Spring) continues to lead the field with 5.5 match points out of 6, with Woodrow Wilson (Washington, D.C.) still half a point behind in second and a wide-open race for the playoffs in prospect.

Round 6 Results

February 22

Montgomery Blair High School 3-1 Thomas J. Wootton High School

McLean High School 3-1 Richard Montgomery High School

West Springfield High School School 1-3 Northwest High School

Gonzaga College High School 4-0 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

South Lakes High School 3-1 Col. Zadok Magruder High School

Georgetown Preparatory School 4-0 James Hubert Blake High School

Don Bosco Cristo Rey 1-3 Justice High School


March 1

Rochambeau French Intl. School 3-1 St. Albans School

Woodrow Wilson High School 2.5-1.5 BASIS DC

The SEED Public Charter School 0-4 E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 

Rockville High School 0-4 Washington International School

Standings After Round 6
PlaceSchoolTotal Match PointsTotal Board Points
1stMontgomery Blair High School5.521
2ndWoodrow Wilson High School 515.5
3rd Gonzaga College High School 4.516.5
4thMcLean High School 4.516
5thNorthwest High School415
6thRichard Montgomery High School 3.514
7th (Tie)Georgetown Preparatory School 3.513
7th (Tie)South Lakes High School 3.513
9th (Tie)BASIS DC 3.511.5
9th (Tie)Rochambeau, the French International School 3.511.5
11th (Tie)E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 312
11th (Tie)St. Anselm's Abbey School 312
11th (Tie)West Springfield High School 312
11th (Tie)Thomas S. Wootton High School 312
15thWashington International School2.511.5
16thSt. Albans School2.59.5
17th Justice High School 210.5
18thCol. Zadok Magruder High School 29
19thRockville High School 28
20thDon Bosco Cristo Rey High School 17
21stJames Hubert Blake High School 16
22ndThe SEED Public Charter School 01.5
Round 7 Pairings

Round 7 will be held on March 8, 2022 at 7:15pm ET (7:30 games start) with matches played on

Woodrow Wilson High School – Montgomery Blair High School 

E.L. Haynes Public Charter School – Richard Montgomery High School

McLean High School – Gonzaga College High School

Northwest High School – Rochambeau French Intl. School

St. Albans School – Thomas J. Wootton High School

BASIS DC – South Lakes High School

St. Anselm’s Abbey School – West Springfield High School

Rockville High School – Col. Zadok Magruder High School

Georgetown Preparatory School – Washington International School

Don Bosco Cristo Rey – James Hubert Blake High School

The SEED Public Charter School – Justice High School

Elementary Team League 2021-22: Round 7 Results

More than 30 students showed up to St. Luke’s Methodist Church this past weekend to represent their schools in the Elementary Team League.  With one round remaining in the competiton, Colvin Run Elementary continues in the lead while White Oaks, Greenbriar West and the fast-rising Spring Hill are locked in a battle for second.

Round 1:
Greenbriar West 1-3 Colvin Run
Ravensworth 3-1 Stratford Landing
Poplar Tree 1-1 Westbriar
White Oaks 2.5-1.5 Kent Gardens 
Spring Hill 4-0 Willow Springs
Round 2:
Colvin Run 1-3 Spring Hill
Willow Springs 0-4 White Oaks
Stratford Landing 2-0 Poplar Tree
Westbriar 0-4 Greenbriar West
Kent Gardens 0.5-3.5 Ravensworth
Standings after Matchday 7:
Colvin Run 181
White Oaks 153
Greenbriar West 145
Spring Hill 144
Kent Gardens 134
Poplar Tree 116
Ravensworth 105
Willow Springs 93
Stratford Landing 85
Westbriar 57 

Metro Area Chess League 2021-22: Round 5 Results

Another exciting evening of high school league play this evening produced a lot of back-and-forth games.  Montgomery Blair High School (Silver Spring, MD) is now back in the sole lead with a 4-0 victory over BASIS DC, their fourth clean sweep in five matches.  Woodrow Wilson High School (Washington DC) is in clear second place after their match with Richard Montgomery ended in a 2-2 draw.

Round 5 Results

BASIS DC 0-4 Montgomery Blair High School

Richard Montgomery High School 2-2 Woodrow Wilson High School

St. Anselm’s Abbey School 1-3 McLean High School

Gonzaga College High School 3-1 South Lakes High School

Thomas J. Wootton High School 2-2 Rochambeau French Intl. School

Col. Zadok Magruder High School 3-1 West Springfield High School

Northwest High School 3-1 Rockville High School

St. Albans School 2.5-1.5 Georgetown Preparatory School

James Hubert Blake High School 1-3 E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 

Washington International School 3-1 Justice High School

Don Bosco Cristo Rey ppd. The SEED Public Charter School

Standings After Round 5
PlaceSchoolTotal Match PointsTotal Board Points
1stMontgomery Blair High School4.518
2ndWoodrow Wilson High School 413
3rd (Tie) McLean High School 3.513
3rd (Tie) Richard Montgomery High School 3.513
5thGonzaga College High School 3.512.5
6thBASIS DC 3.510
7th (Tie)Northwest High School 312
7th (Tie)St. Anselm's Abbey School 312
9th (Tie)West Springfield High School 311
9th (Tie)Thomas S. Wootton High School 311
11thSouth Lakes High School 2.510
12thGeorgetown Preparatory School 2.59
13th (Tie)Rochambeau, the French International School 2.58.5
13th (Tie)St. Albans School2.58.5
15th (Tie)E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 28
15th (Tie)Col. Zadok Magruder High School 28
15th (Tie)Rockville High School 28
18thWashington International School1.57.5
19th Justice High School 17.5
20thJames Hubert Blake High School 16
21st Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School 02
22ndThe SEED Public Charter School 01.5

One match, Don Bosco Cristo Rey vs. SEED Public Charter School, was postponed.  We will update the standings and post Round 6 pairings when that match has been completed.

Round 5 Highlights
Wooton-Rochambeau Board 3
Gonzaga-South Lakes Board 1
Gonzaga-South Lakes Board 4
Round 6 Pairings

February 22

Montgomery Blair High School – Thomas J. Wootton High School

McLean High School – Richard Montgomery High School

West Springfield High School School – Northwest High School

Gonzaga College High School – St. Anselm’s Abbey School

South Lakes High School – Col. Zadok Magruder High School

Georgetown Preparatory School – James Hubert Blake High School

Don Bosco Cristo Rey – Justice High School

Rockville High School – Washington International School


March 1

Rochambeau French Intl. School – St. Albans School

Woodrow Wilson High School – BASIS DC

The SEED Public Charter School – E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 

Elementary Team League 2021-22: Round 6 Results

With yesterday’s wind and below freezing temperatures in Northern Virginia, it was another day of great “chess weather.”  The Elementary Team League returned to its usual playing site at St. Luke’s Methodist Church and we had a near-perfect turnout of ten school teams.  Leaders Colvin Run Elementary continued their good form, scoring big wins against the schools that started the day in second and third place in the standings, Kent Gardens and White Oaks.

Round 1:
Greenbriar West 2-2 Willow Springs
Ravensworth 0-4 Spring Hill
Stratford Landing 3-1 Westbriar
Colvin Run 4-0 Kent Gardens 
Poplar Tree 2-2 White Oaks
Round 2:
Kent Gardens 1.5-1.5 Greenbriar West
Willow Springs 1-3 Stratford Landing
Spring Hill 3-1 Poplar Tree
White Oaks 0.5-3.5 Colvin Run
Westbriar 2-2 Ravensworth
Standings after Matchday 6:
Colvin Run 161
White Oaks 124
Greenbriar West 123
Kent Gardens 122
Spring Hill 114
Poplar Tree 110
Willow Springs 85
Ravensworth 76
Stratford Landing 73
Westbriar 51 

Two match days remain for this season: February 19 and March 5.  Playing in the League is free and open to anyone enrolled in an after-school chess club of ours so if your child is interested, please reach out to their club instructor.

PCSAA Middle School League Spring Season Has Begun

The DC Public Charter School Athletic Association’s Middle School Chess League is now back in action for the spring 2022 season.  District of Columbia International School (DCI) returns to attempt to defend their title from last year.  Also coming back from the prior season are BASIS DC, The Children’s Guild, E.L. Haynes Public Charter School, Howard University Middle School of Mathematics & Science, and Meridian Public Charter School.  

Current League Standings
SchoolMatch PointsBoard Points (Tiebreaker)
District of Columbia International School540
Howard University Middle School of Mathematics & Sciences429.5
Meridian Public Charter School218
The Children's Guild217.5
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School111

Matches are played on Saturdays on, and there are 7 matchdays in total scheduled for this season.  Those interested can keep track of the results and standings here.  

Photos From This Week’s Pawn Game Tournament at Burroughs Elementary

At John Burroughs Elementary School this past Thursday, we held a Pawn Game tournament for the second and third grade students.  Behavior was excellent and the skills both classes had learned were evident. The teachers were impressed by their students’ abilities to visualize, execute plans, and win and lose with grace and dignity.