Earlier this summer David Mehler, U.S. Chess Center Founder and President, was presented with the Outstanding Career Achievement Award from the national U.S. Chess Federation, in honor of his many decades spent teaching and promoting the game of chess in the greater Washington area and throughout the country.

Mr. David Mehler
Founder, U.S. Chess Center
• Arranged for the U.S. Chess Hall of Fame and Museum to move from upstate New York to a facility five blocks from The White House
• Organized student trip to meet chess players in Cuba
• Organized Internet chess matches with students from countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe
• Staged chess exhibitions in many places, including the National Mall, the Smithsonian, and the Charles Sumner Museum
• Taught tens of thousands of students and trained dozens of instructors
Chess Teacher, including teaching students who won:
• U.S. Junior Invitational
• Denker Tournament of National Champions
• U.S. Cadet Championship
• U.S. High School Championship
• U.S. Junior High School Championship
• U.S. Elementary School Blitz Championship
Organized and directed:
• U.S. Armed Forces Championships
• U.S. Cadet Championships
• U.S. Junior Invitational Championship
• International invitationals at which IM norms were earned
Maryland Chess Association: Vice President and President
D.C. Chess League: Executive Director, Scholastic Coordinator, and Newsletter Editor
Region III Vice President
Member, US Chess Bylaws Committee
Member, US Chess Scholastic Committee
Chair, US Chess Development Committee
Chess club president: University of Massachusetts/Amherst
Chess club president: University of Wisconsin at Madison
Sacramento Chess Club Director
Arlington (VA) Chess Club Director