Chess in the Park at Eastern Market Metro on June 4
- by Chess Center
Chess In The Park continues the first Saturday in June with a free outdoor tournament at Eastern Market Metro Park, staged in partnership with the DC Department of Parks and Recreation. Any student in grades 2 through 8 may register to participate.
The tournament will follow a similar format to the event we recently held at Fairview Road Urban Park in Silver Spring. The first round of games will begin at 10 a.m. and the tournament will finish up around 1. Students who play need to be familiar with all of the rules of chess, including castling, stalemate and the touch-move rule. No membership in any organization is required to take part.
There will be areas where family members and non-participants to wait during the games, but owing to space constraints, we will be unable to accommodate more than 40 students at the tournament tables at any one time, so early registration is encouraged.  Online sign-up is available here: