Chess Center
Elementary Team League 2023-24 Round 3 Results
- by Chess Center
Back from the holiday break, we were pleased to resume the Elementary Team League yesterday at St. Luke’s. The rain and cold that we experienced in the morning eventually gave way to clear skies and some good chess games. The first board game in the White Oaks-Willow Springs match, in particular, was one of the more exciting games we’ve seen in the league this year.

Partially as a result of winning the aforementioned match against Willow Springs, White Oaks moved past them into the lead of the overall standings, with Spring Hill now close behind in second position. With more than half the season to go, there’s still plenty of time for anyone to make a run. The next match is next Saturday, January 20.
Elementary Team League 2023-24 Round 2 Results
- by Chess Center
Twelve school teams came out to St. Luke’s Methodist Church yesterday for matchday 2 of this season’s Elementary Team League. Among the players who turned up, we were especially happy to see so many students representing their schools for the first time. Our biggest goal is always practicing and building confidence for future tournaments.

Willow Springs continued their winning streak with two more match victories to extend their lead at the top of the standings. As is the custom each season, the League now enters its holiday break with the matches resuming on January 13 of the new year.

Elementary Team League 2023-24 Round 1 Results
- by Chess Center
The U.S. Chess Center’s Elementary Team League is back for a brand-new season of action. The first day of matches took place this past weekend at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Tyson’s Corner.
Teams consist of four players from each school, and every team plays two matches on each of the eight match days.  Willow Springs is off to an early lead after recording 4-0 and 3-1 scores in their first two matches on Saturday, with White Oaks in second place as the only other team to have won both matches.

Any student in our after school chess clubs can sign up to play in the ETL, and we especially like to encourage participaton among those students who have never played in competitions outside of their schools. With a total of eight match days in the season, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone, so if your child is interested in playing, reach out to their chess club instructor.
Book Review – “The Match of All Time” – An Important Contribution to Chess History
- by Chess Center
No American made a greater impact on chess than Bobby Fischer, and his phenomenal ability would be reduced to an interesting series of chess tales had he not captured the World Chess Championship in the most-watched chess match ever. The Cold War implications of the 1972 match brought attention to chess from the whole world, including millions of people who had never played the game.

Gudmundur Thorarinsson’s book, The Match of All Time, featured as New in Chess’s eBook of the Week for this week, describes in brilliant detail the intrigue, luck, and phenomenal effort that allowed this match to be played. No one was in a better position to record the drama: Mr. Thorarinsson was the President of the Iceland Chess Federation at the time the small island nation produced the winning bid for the match, and it was Mr. Thorarinsson who negotiated with all the parties involved with the match that changed the chess world forever.
The Match of All Time sets forth the context of the match, provides excellent short biographies of Fischer’s predecessors as World Chess Champion, and describes coherently and concisely the personalities of the parties who made the match a reality. Thorarinsson’s perspectives are fascinating, as he was the organizer of the event and ultimately responsible for all its details. While he was never privy to the discussions taking place in America or the Soviet Union, he was the force that brought the two sides together despite the many obstacles thrown up by the American player and the leadership and bureaucracy of the Soviet Union.
The Soviet World Champion, Boris Spassky, described by everyone who knows him as a perfect gentleman and sportsman, wanted to play the match. His score against Fischer up to the point of the match (three wins, two draws, no losses) gave him confidence. Soviet leaders, however, were more concerned with keeping the championship title a Soviet possession, which it had been since 1948. Those who ran the Soviet Union needed to be convinced, both by its own citizens and by the match organizers, to allow Mr. Spassky to play against Fischer, who flouted the norms and rules of the sanctioning body of chess, FIDE.
Of course, dealing with Fischer was not easy. He refused to commit to play and made demands of the organizers, which became more strident as negotiations lurched forward. Even by the time of the opening ceremony, it was not clear that Fischer would board the airplane in New York to come to Iceland to play. With the intervention of National Security Advisor (and later, Secretary of State) Henry Kissinger, Fischer finally showed up. Thorarinsson describes his involvement in getting leaders of the greatest antagonists of the Cold War to agree to have a chess match played.

Thorarinsson criticizes the United States for the way it treated Fischer late in his life, complaining that our country wanted to incarcerate the chess hero it had celebrated in 1972. It is true that Fischer was indicted by a District of Columbia grand jury for alleged crimes committed by playing chess in former Yugoslavia. It is also true that he was not indicted during the George H.W. Bush administration, when the match was played, and was not indicted during the eight years of the Clinton presidency.Â
It was not until years later, after Fischer commended the 9/11 attacks on the United States, that the George W. Bush administration decided to prosecute Fischer. (Boris Spassky, who performed the same acts as Bobby Fischer, and as a French resident was subject to the same UN sanctions as pertained to Fischer, was never charged with a crime.) However, as a chapter of Julius Kaplan’s legal memoir, Secrets and Suspense, suggested, the prosecutors had no great interest in putting him in jail but wanted to confiscate much of Fischer’s money.
Nobody but Thorarinsson could have written this book, and its value for the posterity of chess history cannot be matched. It is wonderful for the game that he wrote the book, and it will be a valuable resource for chess historians to come.
Chess Kids Is Back For The New School Year
- by Chess Center
The first few sessions of this year’s Chess Kids are being held at Eastern Middle School in Silver Spring. Two dozen students from kindergarten through sixth grade have joined us during the first two weeks of the new session.
The Chess Kids program has run on Saturday mornings for 30 years, and the goal has always been the same: helping children cultivate a basic understanding of the rules, etiquette, and strategy of chess through structured lessons and practice play. The class attracts students from throughout the metro area, including kids from Montgomery and Prince George’s County, Maryland, as well as the District of Columbia and northern Virginia.
In addition to playing with kids from other backgrounds, the students receive lessons that focus on the fundamental strategies of the game, such as the importance of playing aggressively rather than passively. Thousands of elementary school students have joined us in the program over the years, including many who have gone on to become strong tournament players.
Chess Kids operates in four-week sessions, and registration for the second session, which starts on October 28, is open now. You can also register for sessions 3-6.

Chess Kids operates in four-week sessions, and registration for the second session, which starts on October 28, is open now.
Photos From Robert Katende’s Visit to Lanham
- by Chess Center
If there are any better tools than chess to teach life skills to young people, we don’t know what they are.
Robert Katende has spent the last two decades helping impoverished Ugandans escape some of the hardest slums in the world using sports, especially chess. Every year, he comes to the Washington, DC, area to host a free chess tournament, most recently this past Saturday in Lanham.

Several volunteers, including Scott Low and Andy Tichenor, helped make the event fun for children and adults. (Scott played in events at the U.S. Chess Center as a child and teenager. That was 15 years ago, and we are proud that we contributed to his development as a chess player and terrific human being.)

Katende’s best-known student is Women’s Candidate Master Phiona Mutesi, who was illiterate and hungry when she entered his chess classes in Katwe, Uganda, looking for food. Now a college graduate and an analyst for Deloitte, she credits learning chess for developing the skills she uses as an adult.

Hundreds of students come through Sports Outreach, Katende’s organization to help impoverished Ugandans and we appreciate that the Washington Education Zone in Lanham provided beautiful space in which to host a screening of Disney’s movie Queen of Katwe, the free tournament, and a simultaneous exhibition of chess. We will see them back here next year.
Spend National Chess Weekend (Oct 13-14) in Lanham, MD and meet Robert Katende
- by Chess Center
On Friday, October 13, you have a chance to meet Robert Katende and support Sports Outreach. On Saturday, October 14, the Washington Education Zone (Miles Hall at 8401 Good Luck Road in Lanham) will host its annual free chess tournament and a simultaneous exhibition by Mr. Katende.
Phiona Mutesi (seated left in the photo below) is one of the most inspiring stories to come from the chess world. As an under-nourished child in a slum of Uganda, Phiona discovered chess and became a champion of the African continent. Her story was written in The Queen of Katwe, then turned into a successful Disney movie.

We never would have heard of Phiona, however, had Robert Katende not created a chess program that welcomed her. Katende’s story, while not as well known, is equally inspiring. He also was brought up in difficult circumstances by his grandmother in Uganda. Through hard work and perseverance, he went to college, played soccer at a high level, and created a charity to help impoverished young people in his home country.
On National Chess Day this year, you have a chance to meet him and hear him speak.

New Year of Chess Classes Begins at Burroughs Elementary in DC
- by Chess Center
We are excited to be back at Burroughs Educational Campus in northeast DC. Every week, we teach all of the second, third, and fourth graders the rules, strategy, etiquette, and discipline of chess.

Teachers from the U.S. Chess Center have been coming to Burroughs since 2019, and are pleased that the school is growing. With forty more students in our chess classes this year compared to last, we are providing an additional twenty chess sets so that more than 100 students learn the game every week.
The students are excited about learning to play the game, and we hope to have them become tournament players and join millions of others around the world who form friendships over the board.

The second graders have started learning the Pawn Game, which has been our method of teaching the strategy of chess to students as they learn the rules, while the third and fourth graders began this week with the full game. Nearly all of the students in those grades had learned chess from us in school last year and the year before.
Theophilus Thompson Club Resumes on Sundays
- by Chess Center
In some places, school has started. In others, it is about to begin. For any local student, however, the last Sunday of August means that the Theophilus Thompson Club brings students in grades 7-12 together for chess.
Kids who enjoy the game and want to improve arrived in McLean yesterday for practice, lessons, and socializing. They played some blitz, as well as a game with a normal tournament time control. We discussed the strategy of the game and found some cool tactics.

This year, we plan to have students compete in the National High School Championships in April in Baltimore. We also are working on organizing internet matches with students from other countries and, if things go well, travel abroad for in-person matches as we have in previous years.
The Club meets nearly every Sunday from now through the end of the school year.  Online registration is available for those who wish to join us.
U.S. Chess Center Founder David Mehler Profiled in Washington Jewish Week
- by Chess Center
Since forming the U.S. Chess Center over 30 years ago, David Mehler has been at the center of our efforts to teach the game to young people. In a feature published earlier today by Washington Jewish Week, he touches on several topics related to the Center, including the philosophy that has helped us reach tens of thousands of students in the greater D.C. area with our instruction.Â
From our beginning, we’ve always encouraged the idea of chess not as an exclusive vocation for some cadre of intellectual super-elites, but rather as a pastime that everyone can enjoy with their friends. As Mr. Mehler explains, anyone can learn to play and anyone can profit from learning. Children who may be used to thinking only about short-term consequences learn the value of strategizing and planning ahead toward a long term goal, and students in the habit of acting out in the classroom can find an outlet for their energies that is equal parts competitive and mentally demanding. Our preference for in-school chess classes over after-school clubs exists for the simple reason that those students least likely to sign up to learn the game are the ones likely to benefit the most from doing so.Â
Our perspective on teaching the game runs along those same egalitarian lines. Aside from a required rudimentary understanding of the rules, strategy and etiquette of chess, there’s not necessarily a correlation between playing strength and the ability to effectively impart the fundamentals to children. Beyond Mr. Mehler’s jest about how “I make terrible moves while I’m playing competitively, but I can teach kids not to follow my example,” there’s a great deal of truth to the idea that you don’t have to be a grandmaster to be a good teacher of the game; you just need patience and a basic knowledge of what makes chess so useful.Â

You can read the entire article on Mr. Mehler and the beginnings of the U.S. Chess Center here. And, if you agree that chess can be a valuable tool to sharpen the minds of children, please consider donating to support our charitable work.
Summer Camp Season is in Full Swing
- by Chess Center
Our summer season of chess has kicked off with day camps at Churchill Road Elementary School in McLean, Virginia. During the last week of June we drew two dozen campers for the first week of camp designed for newer players, and twenty students have joined us at this week’s camp geared toward more advanced students.

The camp curriculum is designed to be challenging to every student who shows up. Our beginner students are learning basic endgame skills like checkmating with king and queen versus king or king and rook versus king, while our more advanced students are figuring out more difficult endgames. No matter their skill level, everybody leaves camp at the end of the week with more knowledge than they had at the beginning.

More information and registration:Â Summer Chess Day Camps – U.S. Chess Center (

Chess in the Park Closes Season With Another Big Crowd
- by Chess Center
The sun shone, the birds chirped, and 73 students came to Eastern Market Metro Park to play chess in the park. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (pictured below) greeted the players and their families at its conclusion, handing out a dozen trophies to winning individuals and teams and 16 medallions to those who won more games than they lost.

Today marked the final of three events sponsored by Barracks Row Main Street, which also hosts free chess play every Friday evening. It was an exciting day for the players. 41 different schools from across the District of Columbia, Maryland and northern Virginia were represented. Washington Latin Public Charter School won the championship team trophy for the third consecutive tournament, and School Within School brought home the second place team award, edging out Brent Elementary and EW Stokes Public Charter.
We plan to continue these Chess in the Park events in the 2023-2024 school year. Be sure to subscribe to our emails to learn about future tournaments and other events/programs.

Another great day of Chess in the Park on May 20th
- by Chess Center
Our second drop-in tournament this spring at Eastern Market Metro was held under blue skies this past Saturday, May 20. Staged in cooperation with Barracks Row Main Street and the DC Department of Parks and Recreation, this event had over 40 students showing up to play over the two and a half hours. The players ranged from grades 2 to 8, and from experienced USCF tournament players to first-timers. Â
On June 24 we will hold a third and final Chess in the Park Tournament at Eastern Market Metro Plaza with the same format and again we will present awards to the top players, including top girl and top DC school (so encourage others from your school to register and play). Pre-Register online for June 24 at:

Magruder High School Live Streaming Chess Competition
- by Chess Center
Metro Area Chess League participant Col. Zadok Magruder High School is in the middle of their spring chess competition. Games are taking place in the auditorium during the school day, and Magruder’s chess club sponsor, Mr. Sanders, has put in the effort to set the event up for streaming. The games can be followed live on the school’s YouTube channel. The semifinals and finals are currently set for May 17 and 24, respectively.
We are very pleased to see school faculty members devoting time, space and energy to promote chess among students.
Chess in the Park Kicks Off 2023 Season at Eastern Market Metro
- by Chess Center
Despite the gray skies and raw temperatures, 37 students representing 28 schools (14 of them in DC) came to play in the first of three Chess in the Park events the U.S. Chess Center is organizing at Eastern Market Metro Park. Working in collaboration with Barracks Row Main Street and the DC Parks and Recreation Department, we were happy to welcome children in grades 2-8 to a friendly competition.

For some players, this was their first tournament. Others were experienced players, arriving with national ratings. The event is held using an informal method in which players are matched with others as soon as they finish each game. Keeping waiting time between games to a minimum means that some people played only two games while others played as many as eight. This makes it more fun for everyone.
Former ANC Commissioner Brian Ready not only provided a welcoming atmosphere for the event, at the end he provided half-price coupons for chess players and their families to come to Smoke & Mirrors, a magic show at Miracle Theatre on May 25.

DC Councilmember Charles Allen, himself a chess player, came to distribute trophies and medals to those who won more games than they lost. Mr. Allen has been a great supporter of activities at the park, located in his ward.
Washington Latin won the team championship trophy, with Brent Elementary winning the second place team trophy.
We will help with similar events at the same location on May 20 and June 24.

Upcoming Chess Tournaments This Month
- by Chess Center
Montgomery Blair Retains Metro Area Chess League Title
- by Chess Center
The Metro Area Chess League playoffs for the 2022-2023 season have concluded. Just like last year, the championship was decided in a quadrangular round-robin tournament with the top four schools from the regular season, and like last year, Montgomery Blair High School (Silver Spring, MD) edged out Richard Montgomery High School (Rockville, MD) to take the title, with Richard Montgomery finishing as runners-up.
Gonzaga College High School of northwest Washington defeated Arlington Career Center (Arlington, VA) in their individual match to take third place, and also earn the award for the top DC school this year. Congratulations to all four playoff teams on their outstanding seasons!

Playoff Standings
1. Montgomery Blair High School (2.5 match points)
2. Richard Montgomery High School (2 match points)
3. Gonzaga College High School (1 match point)
4. Arlington Career Center (0.5 match points)
Elementary Team League 2022-23 Matchday 8 ResultsÂ
- by Chess Center
The final matchday of this year’s Elementary Team League wrapped up earlier today. At the end of a close race for the season championship, Spring Hill Elementary took the title ahead of Churchill Road, who settled for the runner-up spot. White Oaks swept both of their matches by 4-0 scores to earn the final spot on the podium. Congratulations to the winners!
We’re grateful to St. Luke’s for providing the venue and tables for most of the matchdays this year, and thankful to the over 200 students from 12 schools who took part in the League this year. Playing in the ETL helps these students build the skills and confidence to represent their schools in strong tournaments. With the national elementary school championships being staged later this year in Baltimore, we anticipate some of these students will be taking part.

Round 15 Results
Westbriar 1-3 Spring Hill
Churchill Road 0-4 White OaksÂ
Poplar Tree 3.5-0.5 Kent Gardens
Colvin Run 4-0 Ravensworth
Orange Hunt 0-4 Greenbriar West
Willow Springs 3-0 Lorton Station
Round 16 Results
 Greenbriar West 2-2 Westbriar
Spring Hill 3.5 – 0.5 Colvin Run
Ravensworth 2-2 Willow Springs
Lorton Station 2-0 Orange Hunt
White Oaks 4-0 Poplar Tree
Kent Gardens 1-3 Churchill Road
Final Team Standings After Matchday 8
Spring Hill 196
Churchill Road 184
White Oaks 176
Greenbriar West 174
Kent Gardens 164
Colvin Run 154
Westbriar 153
Willow Springs 153
Lorton Station 128
Poplar Tree 126
Ravensworth 88
Orange Hunt 85
Sunday Students Hard at Work Preparing for Spring Tournaments
- by Chess Center
As winter turns into spring, the chess tournament calendar is in full swing. Below, students in our Theophilius Thompson Club (for students in grade 7-12) are practicing on Sunday afternoon. At least three of our Sunday students will be participating in the National High School Championship in two weeks in downtown Washington.

Elementary Team League 2022-23 Matchday 7 Results
- by Chess Center
This season of the Elementary Team League is in the homestretch and last Saturday’s matches again drew a near-maximum turnout.  Churchill Road won an important match against leaders Spring Hill and is now just a single point behind heading into the final day of matches. Third place Kent Gardens is also still in with a chance but would need results in the top two schools’ matches to go their way in order to catch up.
The final matches are on Saturday, March 25 and all of our after-school chess club members are welcome to sign up to join in the fun. If your child is interested in participating, please reach out to their school club instructor.

Round 13 Results
Lorton Station 1-3 Greenbriar West
Westbriar 2-1 White OaksÂ
Ravensworth 2-2 Kent Gardens
Colvin Run 2-2 Orange Hunt
Churchill Road 4-0 Poplar TreeÂ
Willow Springs 1-3 Spring Hill
Round 14 Results
 Poplar Tree 3-0 Westbriar
White Oaks 3-1 Colvin Run
Greenbriar West 2-2 Willow Springs
Orange Hunt 1-2 Ravensworth
Kent Gardens 3-1 Lorton StationÂ
Spring Hill 1-3 Churchill Road
Team Standings After Matchday 7
Spring Hill 167
Churchill Road 166
Kent Gardens 155
Greenbriar West 148
White Oaks 144
Westbriar 137
Colvin Run 133
Willow Springs 131
Lorton Station 117
Poplar Tree 107
Orange Hunt 85
Ravensworth 74
Metro Area Chess League 2022-23 Round 7 Results
- by Chess Center
This season’s Metro Area Chess League competition so far has been even closer and more exciting than we thought it would be. No school has secured a playoff berth yet going into the final round, and depending on the results of those matches, any of nine schools may make it in. On Tuesday night, Montgomery Blair edged a narrow match with West Springfield, 2.5-1.5, to tie Richard Montgomery on match points and move into the lead on the board points tiebreaker. Langley, Falls Church and Arlington Career Center are just half a point behind the two leaders, and along with Gonzaga College and McLean, can guarantee a final four spot by winning their last round matches. Centreville and Seneca Valley are also in with a chance of making the playoffs, although they would need to win in Round 8 and get help from results elsewhere.
Centreville High School 2-2 Richard Montgomery High School
Arlington Career Center 2-2 Falls Church High School
West Springfield High School 1.5-2.5 Montgomery Blair High School
Col. Zadok Magruder High School 1-3 Langley High School
 Seneca Valley High School 2-2 Gonzaga College High School
Don Bosco Cristo Rey 0-4 McLean High School
Winston Churchill High School 1-3Â Rochambeau French Intl. School
W.T. Woodson High School 3-1 St. Anselm’s Abbey School
BASIS DC 2-2 Washington Intl. SchoolÂ
Sandy Spring Friends School – DeMatha Catholic High School
Sidwell Friends School 0-4 Georgetown Preparatory School
Rockville High School 4-0 Eastern High School
St. Albans School 4-0Â St. John’s High School
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 1-3Â Bishop McNamara High School
Place | School | Total Match Points | Total Board Points |
1st | Montgomery Blair High School | 5.5 | 19.5 |
2nd | Richard Montgomery High School | 5.5 | 19 |
3rd | Langley High School | 5 | 19 |
4th (Tie) | Arlington Career Center | 5 | 18 |
4th (Tie) | Falls Church High School | 5 | 18 |
6th (Tie) | Gonzaga College High School | 4.5 | 18 |
6th (Tie) | McLean High School | 4.5 | 18 |
8th (Tie) | Centreville High School | 4.5 | 16 |
8th (Tie) | Seneca Valley High School | 4.5 | 16 |
10th | Rockville High School | 4 | 17 |
11th | West Springfield High School | 4 | 16.5 |
12th | Col. Zadok Magruder High School | 4 | 16 |
13th | Rochambeau French Intl. School | 4 | 15.5 |
14th | W.T. Woodson High School | 4 | 15 |
15th (Tie) | Winston Churchill High School | 3.5 | 14.5 |
15th (Tie) | Washington Intl. School | 3.5 | 14.5 |
17th | BASIS DC | 3.5 | 13.5 |
18th (Tie) | St. Anselm’s Abbey School | 3 | 13 |
18th (Tie) | Georgetown Preparatory School | 3 | 13 |
20th | St. Albans School | 3 | 12 |
21st | Bishop McNamara High School | 3 | 11 |
22nd | Sidwell Friends School | 2.5 | 12 |
23rd | Sandy Spring Friends School | 2.5 | 11.5 |
24th | Don Bosco Cristo Rey | 2.5 | 10.5 |
25th | DeMatha Catholic High School | 2.5 | 10 |
26th | St. John’s College High School | 2 | 10.5 |
27th | Eastern High School | 2 | 10 |
28th | E.L. Haynes Public Charter School | 0.5 | 4.5 |
29th | McKinley Technology High School | 0 | 1 |
30th | IDEA Public Charter School | 0 | 0 |
McLean High School – Montgomery Blair High School
Richard Montgomery High School – Gonzaga College High School
Falls Church High School – Langley High School
Arlington Career Center – Centreville High School
Rochambeau French Intl. School – Seneca Valley High School
West Springfield High School – W.T. Woodson High School
DeMatha Catholic High School – Col. Zadok Magruder High School
Washington Intl. School – Winston Churchill High School
Georgetown Preparatory School – Rockville High School
St. Anselm’s Abbey School – BASIS DC
St. Albans School – Don Bosco Cristo Rey
Bishop McNamara High School – Sandy Spring Friends School
Sidwell Friends School – E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
Eastern High School – St. John’s College High School
Metro Area Chess League 2022-23 Round 6 Results
- by Chess Center
This past round of the Metro Area Chess League was the most closely fought of the season so far. Most of the matches were swayed by the outcome of a single game, with several ultimately ending up as 2-2 draws. Richard Montgomery still holds the overall lead in the standings despite ceding a draw to Falls Church, who stayed half a point behind. Montgomery Blair and Arlington Career Center also tied their match 2-2 to remain in the other two playoff positions. Six other schools are half a point out of the top four.
Richard Montgomery High School 2-2 Falls Church High School
Montgomery Blair High School – Arlington Career Center
Langley High School 1-3 Centreville High School
Rochambeau French Intl. School 1-3 West Springfield High School
Washington Intl. School 1-3 Seneca Valley High School
Col. Zadok Magruder High School 2-2 Winston Churchill High School
McLean High School 3-1 DeMatha Catholic High School
Georgetown Preparatory School 2-2 W.T. Woodson High School
Bishop McNamara High School 1-3 Don Bosco Cristo Rey
Rockville High School 2-2 Sandy Spring Friends School
Gonzaga College High School 3-1 Sidwell Friends School
St. John’s High School 1-3 BASIS DC
St. Anselm’s Abbey School 2-2 St. Albans School
Eastern High School 4-0Â E.L. Haynes Public Charter SchoolÂ
Place | School | Total Match Points | Total Board Points |
1st | Richard Montgomery High School | 5 | 17 |
2nd | Montgomery Blair High School | 4.5 | 17 |
3rd (Tie) | Arlington Career Center | 4.5 | 16 |
3rd (Tie) | Falls Church High School | 4.5 | 16 |
5th (Tie) | Langley High School | 4 | 16 |
5th (Tie) | Gonzaga College High School | 4 | 16 |
7th (Tie) | Col. Zadok Magruder High School | 4 | 15 |
7th (Tie) | West Springfield High School | 4 | 15 |
9th (Tie) | Centreville High School | 4 | 14 |
9th (Tie) | Seneca Valley High School | 4 | 14 |
11th | McLean High School | 3.5 | 14 |
12th | Winston Churchill High School | 3.5 | 13.5 |
13th | Rockville High School | 3 | 13 |
14th (Tie) | Washington Intl. School | 3 | 12.5 |
14th (Tie) | Rochambeau French Intl. School | 3 | 12.5 |
16th (Tie) | W.T. Woodson High School | 3 | 12 |
16th (Tie) | St. Anselm’s Abbey School | 3 | 12 |
18th | BASIS DC | 3 | 11.5 |
19th | Sidwell Friends School | 2.5 | 12 |
20th (Tie) | Sandy Spring Friends School | 2.5 | 10.5 |
20th (Tie) | Don Bosco Cristo Rey | 2.5 | 10.5 |
22nd | St. John’s College High School | 2 | 10.5 |
23rd | Eastern High School | 2 | 10 |
24th | Georgetown Preparatory School | 2 | 9 |
25th (Tie) | DeMatha Catholic High School | 2 | 8 |
25th (Tie) | Bishop McNamara High School | 2 | 8 |
25th (Tie) | St. Albans School | 2 | 8 |
28th | E.L. Haynes Public Charter School | 0.5 | 3.5 |
29th | McKinley Technology High School | 0 | 1 |
30th | IDEA Public Charter School | 0 | 0 |
Centreville High School – Richard Montgomery High School
Arlington Career Center – Falls Church High School
West Springfield High School – Montgomery Blair High School
Col. Zadok Magruder High School – Langley High School
 Seneca Valley High School – Gonzaga College High School
Don Bosco Cristo Rey – McLean High School
Winston Churchill High School –Â Rochambeau French Intl. School
W.T. Woodson High School – St. Anselm’s Abbey School
BASIS DC – Washington Intl. SchoolÂ
Sandy Spring Friends School – DeMatha Catholic High School
Sidwell Friends School – Georgetown Preparatory School
Rockville High School – Eastern High School
St. Albans School –Â St. John’s High School
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School –Â Bishop McNamara High School
Chess Kids Resumes at New Venue
- by Chess Center
We are grateful for the Institute for Educational Leadership for providing space to continue our Saturday morning Chess Kids class following the damage to the regular venue at the Elizabeth House. We had fun at the new location this past Saturday, though we hope to be able to return to downtown Silver Spring this coming weekend.

Registration for the March 2023 session, the final session of this school year, is now open. Any student in kindergarten through sixth grade may join, and Chess Center members receive discounts.
Elementary Team League 2022-23 Matchday 6 Results
- by Chess Center
We’re now at the three-quarter mark of what has been a very fun Elementary Team League season.  As always, we were happy to see many new faces at yesterday’s matches. Playing in the ETL is a great start point for students who want to build up the skills and confidence to represent their schools in other competitions.
In the overall season standings, Spring Hill has edged slightly ahead of its closest pursuers with the results of Saturday’s games, but several other schools remain in striking distance with two matchdays to go.

Round 11 Results
Kent Gardens 3-0 Orange Hunt
Churchill Road 3.5-0.5 Willow Springs
White Oaks 4-0 Ravensworth
Colvin Run 0-4 Westbriar
Poplar Tree 0-3 Lorton Station
Greenbriar West 1-3 Spring Hill
Round 12 Results
Spring Hill 4-0 Poplar Tree
Ravensworth 1-3 Greenbriar West
Willow Springs 3.5-0.5 White Oaks
Westbriar 2-2 Kent Gardens
Lorton Station 3-1 Colvin Run
Orange Hunt 1-3 Churchill Road
Team Standings After Matchday 6
Spring Hill 147
Churchill Road 136
Kent Gardens 131
White Oaks 126
Greenbriar West 124
Westbriar 121
Colvin Run 117
Willow Springs 115
Lorton Station 106
Poplar Tree 90
Orange Hunt 73
Ravensworth 56
Metro Area Chess League 2022-23 Round 5 Results
- by Chess Center
Yesterday evening, February 7, was the fifth round of this season’s Metro Area Chess League. Richard Montgomery High School (Rockville, MD) saw their win streak come to an end when they drew their match 2-2 against Montgomery Blair High School (Silver Spring, MD), but they still hold the overall lead in the standings with 4.5 match points. Langley High School (McLean, VA), Falls Church High School (Falls Church, VA) and Arlington Career Center (Arlington, VA) all won their matches to join Montgomery Blair in a tie for second place, half a point off the lead in what is shaping to be a very close race for the four playoff spots.
Montgomery Blair High School 2-2 Richard Montgomery High School
Arlington Career Center 4-0 Seneca Valley High School
Winston Churchill High School 0.5-3.5 Langley High School
Gonzaga College High School 1-3 Falls Church High School
Col. Zadok Magruder High School 2-2 West Springfield High School
W.T. Woodson High School 1-3 Rochambeau French Intl. School
St. John’s College High School 2-2 McLean High School
DeMatha Catholic High School 2-2 St. Anselm’s Abbey School
Sidwell Friends School 3-1 Rockville High School
Don Bosco Cristo Rey 1.5-2.5 Washington Intl. School
Centreville High School 3.5-0.5 St. Albans School
BASIS DC 2-2 Georgetown Preparatory School
Eastern High School 2-2 Bishop McNamara High School
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 0.5-3.5 Sandy Spring Friends School
Place | School | Total Match Points | Total Board Points |
1st | Richard Montgomery High School | 4.5 | 15 |
2nd (Tie) | Montgomery Blair High School | 4 | 15 |
2nd (Tie) | Langley High School | 4 | 15 |
4th (Tie) | Falls Church High School | 4 | 14 |
4th (Tie) | Arlington Career Center | 4 | 14 |
6th | Col. Zadok Magruder High School | 3.5 | 13 |
7th | Gonzaga College High School | 3 | 13 |
8th (Tie) | West Springfield High School | 3 | 12 |
8th (Tie) | Centreville High School | 3 | 12 |
10th (Tie) | Winston Churchill High School | 3 | 11.5 |
10th (Tie) | Washington Intl. School | 3 | 11.5 |
10th (Tie) | Rochambeau, the French International School | 3 | 11.5 |
13th | Seneca Valley High School | 3 | 11 |
14th (Tie) | Rockville High School | 2.5 | 11 |
14th (Tie) | McLean High School | 2.5 | 11 |
14th (Tie) | Sidwell Friends School | 2.5 | 11 |
17th | W.T. Woodson High School | 2.5 | 10 |
18th | St. Anselm’s Abbey School | 2.5 | 10 |
19th | St. John’s College High School | 2 | 9.5 |
20th (Tie) | BASIS DC | 2` | 8.5 |
20th (Tie) | Sandy Spring Friends School | 2 | 8.5 |
22nd (Tie) | DeMatha Catholic High School | 2 | 7 |
22nd (Tie) | Bishop McNamara High School | 2 | 7 |
24th | Don Bosco Cristo Rey | 1.5 | 7.5 |
25th | Georgetown Preparatory School | 1.5 | 7 |
26th | St. Albans School | 1.5 | 6 |
27th | Eastern High School | 1 | 6 |
28th | E.L. Haynes Public Charter School | 0.5 | 3.5 |
29th | McKinley Technology High School | 0 | 1 |
30th | IDEA Public Charter School | 0 | 0 |
Richard Montgomery High School – Falls Church High School
Montgomery Blair High School – Arlington Career Center
Langley High School – Centreville High School
Rochambeau French Intl. School – West Springfield High School
Washington Intl. School – Seneca Valley High School
Col. Zadok Magruder High School – Winston Churchill High School
McLean High School – DeMatha Catholic High School
Georgetown Preparatory School – W.T. Woodson High School
Bishop McNamara High School – Don Bosco Cristo Rey
Rockville High School – Sandy Spring Friends School
Gonzaga College High School – Sidwell Friends School
St. John’s High School – BASIS DC
St. Anselm’s Abbey School – St. Albans School
Eastern High School – E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
Elementary Team League 2022-23 Matchday 5 Results
- by Chess Center
The competition is tightening at the top of the Elementary Team League as we move further into the season. Spring Hill Elementary holds the lead after yesterday’s day of matches, but five other schools are within 13 points of the top spot. Since schools can earn a maximum of 32 points on a given matchday, this season’s competition looks set to go all the way to the final day of matches at the end of March.
Greenbriar West Elementary was a standout performer in last Saturday’s meeting, sweeping both of their matches 4-0 to catch up to the battle for the lead. Three matchdays remain in the season, and there’s still time to get in on the excitement. Participation in the League is free and open to anyone in one of our after-school chess clubs.

Round 9 Results
Colvin Run 2.5 – 1.5 Spring Hill
Lorton Station 1-3 Willow Springs
White Oaks 2-2 Kent Gardens
Orange Hunt 3-1 Westbriar
Churchill Road 2-0 Ravensworth
Poplar Tree 0-4 Greenbriar West
Round 10 Results
Ravensworth 1-2 Poplar Tree
Greenbriar West 4-0 Colvin Run
Spring Hill 2.5-1.5 White Oaks
Kent Gardens 4-0 Lorton Station
Willow Springs 2-2 Orange Hunt
Westbriar 3-1 Churchill Road
Team Standings After Matchday 5
Spring Hill 117
Kent Gardens 109
Churchill Road 107
Colvin Run 107
Willow Springs 106
Greenbriar West 104
White Oaks 95
Westbriar 95
Poplar Tree 86
Lorton Station 80
Orange Hunt 68
Ravensworth 44
Metro Area Chess League 2022-23 Round 4 Results
- by Chess Center
The competition is tightening up halfway through the regular season in the Metro Area Chess League. In a meeting between two of the frontrunners this past Tuesday, the team from Richard Montgomery edged a close contest with Churchill to move into sole first place as the only school to have won all four of their matches so far after the other co-leader, Montgomery Blair, drew their match with Langley. We are still waiting for a handful of matches to be completed, and the overall standings will be updated once those results come in.
Richard Montgomery High School 2.5-1.5Â Winston Churchill High School
Langley High School 2-2 Montgomery Blair High School
McLean High School 1-3 Arlington Career Center
West Springfield High School 4-0 DeMatha Catholic High School
BASIS DC 2-2 Sidwell Friends School
Rockville High School 2-2Â Rochambeau French Intl. School
St. Anselm’s Abbey School 3-1 Eastern High School
 E.L. Haynes Public Charter School 0-4 St. John’s College High School
Washington Intl. School 4-0 McKinley Technology High School
Georgetown Preparatory School 0-4Â Col. Zadok Magruder High School
Falls Church High School 0-4 Centreville High School
Seneca Valley High School 0-3 Don Bosco Cristo Rey
St. Albans School 0-4 Gonzaga College High School
Bishop McNamara High School 0-4 W.T. Woodson High School
Sandy Spring Friends School 4-0 IDEA Public Charter School
Place | School | Total Match Points | Total Board Points |
1st | Richard Montgomery High School | 4 | 13 |
2nd | Montgomery Blair High School | 3.5 | 13 |
3rd | Gonzaga College High School | 3 | 12 |
4th | Langley High School | 3 | 11.5 |
5th (Tie) | Seneca Valley High School | 3 | 11 |
5th (Tie) | Winston Churchill High School | 3 | 11 |
5th (Tie) | Col. Zadok Magruder High School | 3 | 11 |
5th (Tie) | Falls Church High School | 3 | 11 |
9th | Arlington Career Center | 3 | 10 |
10th (Tie) | Rockville High School | 2.5 | 10 |
10th (Tie) | West Springfield High School | 2.5 | 10 |
12th | W.T. Woodson High School | 2.5 | 9 |
13th (Tie) | McLean High School | 2 | 9 |
13th (Tie) | Washington International School | 2 | 9 |
15th | Rochambeau, the French International School “ | 2 | 8.5 |
16th | St. Anselm’s Abbey School | 2 | 8 |
17th | Centreville High School | 2 | 7.5 |
18th | Sidwell Friends School | 1.5 | 8 |
19th | St. John’s College High School | 1.5 | 7.5 |
20th | BASIS DC | 1.5 | 6.5 |
21st | Don Bosco Cristo Rey | 1.5 | 6 |
22nd | St. Albans School | 1.5 | 5.5 |
23rd (Tie) | DeMatha Catholic High School | 1 | 5 |
23rd (Tie) | Georgetown Preparatory School | 1 | 5 |
23rd (Tie) | Sandy Spring Friends School | 1 | 5 |
23rd (Tie) | Eastern High School | 1 | 5 |
27th | Bishop McNamara High School | 1 | 4 |
28th | E.L. Haynes Public Charter School | 0.5 | 3 |
29th | McKinley Technology High School | 0 | 1 |
30th | IDEA Public Charter School | 0 | 0 |
Montgomery Blair High School – Richard Montgomery High School
Arlington Career Center – Seneca Valley High School
Winston Churchill High School – Langley High School
Gonzaga College High School – Falls Church High School
Col. Zadok Magruder High School – West Springfield High School
W.T. Woodson High School – Rochambeau French Intl. School
St. John’s College High School – McLean High School
DeMatha Catholic High School – St. Anselm’s Abbey School
Sidwell Friends School – Rockville High School
Don Bosco Cristo Rey – Washington Intl. School
Centreville High School – St. Albans School
BASIS DC – Georgetown Preparatory School
Eastern High School – Bishop McNamara High School
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School – Sandy Spring Friends School
IDEA Public Charter School – McKinley Technology High School
Elementary Team League 2022-23 Matchday 4 ResultsÂ
- by Chess Center
Round 4 of the Elementary Team League was played earlier today. Spring Hill Elementary moved into first place with a 30-point day, scoring six wins and two draws from their eight games, one of many shakeups in the standings as the season hit the halfway mark.

Round 7 Results
Westbriar 1-3 Spring Hill
Kent Gardens 1-3 Colvin Run
Churchill Road 4-0 Greenbriar West
Orange Hunt 0.5-3.5 White Oaks
Ravensworth 0-4 Lorton Station
Willow Springs 3-1 Poplar Tree
Round 8 Results
Colvin Run 3-1 Willow Springs
Greenbriar West 1-3 Kent Gardens
Spring Hill 4-0 Ravensworth
White Oaks 0.5-3.5 Westbriar
Poplar Tree 3.5-0.5 Orange Hunt
Lorton Station 3-1 Churchill Road
Team Standings After Matchday 4
Spring Hill 97
Churchill Road 95
Colvin Run 90
Kent Gardens 83
Willow Springs 82
White Oaks 78
Westbriar 75
Poplar Tree 73
Greenbriar West 72
Lorton Station 71
Orange Hunt 50
Ravensworth 35
The season continues on February 4, followed by three more matchdays in February and March. Participation in the League is free of charge and open to anyone in an after-school chess club of ours. Â
Metro Area Chess League 2022-23 Round 3 Results
- by Chess Center
The Metro Area Chess League reconvened on lichess yesterday night for its third match of the season, and its first of the calendar year. This round was the most exciting of the season so far, with competitive games all throughout the field (a few of which we’ll post shortly).
With all the results in, Montgomery Blair, Richard Mongomery and Churchill are the only three schools to have won all of their matches thus far, with Blair ahead on the board points tiebreaker. Round 4 will be two weeks from now, the evening of January 24.
Montgomery Blair High School 3-1 Gonzaga College High School
Rochambeau French Intl. School 1.5-2.5 Richard Montgomery High School
Winston Churchill High School 2.5-1.5 McLean High School
St. Albans School 0.5-3.5 Langley High School
Arlington Career Center 3-1 West Springfield High School
Centreville High School 4-0 Bishop McNamara High School
Seneca Valley High School 3-1 Sidwell Friends School
Don Bosco Cristo Rey 3-1 BASIS DC
St. Anselm’s Abbey School 2-2 Rockville High School
DeMatha Catholic High School 2-2 E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
Col. Zadok Magruder High School 2-2 Washington Int. School
McKinley Technology High School 0-4 (forfeit) Georgetown Preparatory School
W.T. Woodson High School 2.5-1.5 St. John’s College High School
Sandy Spring Friends School 0-3 (forfeit) Eastern High School
IDEA Public Charter School 0-4 (forfeit) Falls Church High School
Place | School | Total Match Points | Total Board Points |
1st | Montgomery Blair High School | 3 | 11 |
2nd | Richard Montgomery High School | 3 | 10.5 |
3rd | Winston Churchill High School | 3 | 9.5 |
4th | Langley High School | 2.5 | 9.5 |
5th (Tie) | Gonzaga College High School | 2 | 8 |
5th (Tie) | McLean High School | 2 | 8 |
5th (Tie) | Seneca Valley High School | 2 | 8 |
5th (Tie) | Rockville High School | 2 | 8 |
9th | Centreville High School | 2 | 7.5 |
10th (Tie) | Col. Zadok Magruder High School | 2 | 7 |
10th (Tie) | Arlington Career Center | 2 | 7 |
10th (Tie) | Falls Church High School | 2 | 7 |
13th | Rochambeau, the French International School | 1.5 | 6.5 |
14th (Tie) | West Springfield High School | 1.5 | 6 |
14th (Tie) | W.T. Woodson High School | 1.5 | 6 |
14th (Tie) | Don Bosco Cristo Rey | 1.5 | 6 |
17th | St. Albans School | 1.5 | 5.5 |
18th | DeMatha Catholic High School | 1.5 | 5 |
19th | Sidwell Friends School | 1 | 6 |
20th (Tie) | St. Anselm’s Abbey School | 1 | 5 |
20th (Tie) | Georgetown Preparatory School | 1 | 5 |
20th (Tie) | Washington International School | 1 | 5 |
23rd | BASIS DC | 1 | 4.5 |
24th (Tie) | Bishop McNamara High School | 1 | 4 |
24th (Tie) | Eastern High School | 1 | 4 |
26th | St. John’s College High School | 0.5 | 3.5 |
27th | E.L. Haynes Public Charter School | 0.5 | 3 |
28th (Tie) | McKinley Technology High School | 0 | 1 |
28th (Tie) | Sandy Spring Friends School | 0 | 1 |
30th | IDEA Public Charter School | 0 | 0 |
Richard Montgomery High School –Â Winston Churchill High School
Langley High School – Montgomery Blair High School
McLean High School – Arlington Career Center
Falls Church High School – Centreville High School
Seneca Valley High School – Don Bosco Cristo Rey
St. Albans School – Gonzaga College High School
West Springfield High School – DeMatha Catholic High School
BASIS DC – Sidwell Friends School
Rockville High School –Â Rochambeau French Intl. School
St. Anselm’s Abbey School – Eastern High School
 E.L. Haynes Public Charter School – St. John’s College High School
Washington Intl. School – McKinley Technology High School
Georgetown Preparatory School –Â Col. Zadok Magruder High School
 Bishop McNamara High School – W.T. Woodson High School
Sandy Spring Friends School – IDEA Public Charter School