Virginia Scholastic Chess Championships
Qualification Tournament 2 (of 3)
Through participation in these Qualification Tournaments players earn Team Points for their schools, and individual players qualify to play in the Virginia Scholastic Chess Championships to be held in April or May this year.
To maximize your school’s Team Points you and your schoolmates should play in ALL THREE tournaments. Playing in all 3 events also increases your chances to qualify for the State Championship Invitational Tournament!
When is it being Played?
Saturday and Sunday, February 27-28, 2021. This is NOT an elimination event, players play all 5 rounds. This is an online tournament being hosted by You DO NOT need to be a member of to play. All players will receive an event-specific username for this tournament
Rounds 1-3 are on Saturday Feb 27 at 10AM, 1:30PM and 5:00 PM (this is a change from 4:30 PM). The Time Control for all 3 rounds is Game in 60 minutes, with 10 seconds added for each move. The “official time” for each player is the time displayed by the virtual chessboard on the player’s screen.
Rounds 4 and 5 are on Sunday, Feb 28 at 10AM and 3PM. The Time Control for the Sunday games is Game in 75 minutes, with 10 seconds added for each move.
You do not need a separate chess board or chess clock to play. You also do not need to take Chess Notation (it is optional).
Who Can Play?
The answer is YES if you can meet any of these Eligibility Requirements:
- Players in grades pre-K through High School who are enrolled in school in Virginia
- Virginia residents who are attending K-12 school in WV, MD, NC, DE or an adjacent state or Washington, DC
- Children of active duty military personnel who are stationed in Virginia
- You are being Homeschooled in Virginia
The Early Entry Fee period of $35 will close at midnight on Tuesday, February 18th.
Starting Wednesday, Feb 19th, the Entry Fee increases to $50.
Registration closes at 9AM on Tuesday, February 23, 2021