The District of Columbia’s qualification events for the national Denker and Barber championships took place this past Saturday afternoon, April 2. Students turned up from all around DC to compete for the middle and high school championship titles.
Ben Tyrrell (below left, playing black) won all four of his games to take first place in the high school section and earn the right to represent the District at the Denker Tournament of High School Champions later this summer. Ethan Crawford (below right) put up the same perfect score to win the middle school section and qualify to represent Washington at the Dewain Barber National Tournament of Middle School Champions. Both events will be held this July 30 – August 2 in Rancho Mirage, California.

We’re grateful to the DC Housing Finance Agency for hosting the event at their headquarters, and to Robin Ramson for her efforts organizing and promoting the tournament. The full set of results from both the middle and high school sections is available here:
US Chess MSA – Cross Table for DC BARBER DENKER QUALIFIER (Event 202204022192)