Woman Grandmaster (WGM) Jennifer Yu, the 2019 US Women’s Champion, spent time with our Sunday Chess group on May 16, answering students’ questions and playing a consultation game with them. Jennifer spoke about her training for tournaments, her expectations of playing chess indefinitely but not making it her career, and her passion for doing the best she can. Watch some of the Q&A here:
After chatting with the students, WGM Yu played a consultation game with them. In a consultation game, a group (in this case the US Chess Center’s Sunday Chess students) plays collectively, discussing and determining each move together as a team. Â
USCC Sunday Chess (White) - WGM Yu (Black)
Nearly three hours later, the match resulted in a draw. Watch each move in the match on Lichess here: https://lichess.org/kl7LM8LG#1
Thank you to WGM Yu for spending a Sunday afternoon with our students!